Air Service Update Latin America

Airlift remains in place from Colombia and Panama

January 29th, 2021 - Frequencies have been adjusted

ORANJESTAD – As announced earlier by the Government of Aruba, the border closure with Brazil has gone into effect since January 25, 2021, due to Brazil being a COVID-19 high risk area. As a result, airlines operating into Aruba from other Latin American countries have been affected and have seen the demand decrease. AUA Airport would like to clarify and inform that nonetheless airlift remains in place from Colombia and Panama.

Certain carriers from the Latin America region have decided to temporarily suspend certain frequencies in the months of February and March 2021. Copa, currently operating three flights a week out of Panama City, Panama will operate two flight per week as of February 2021. Flights will then be on Mondays and on Saturdays. Avianca operating out of Bogota, Colombia will continue to operate 3 weekly flights during February 2021 on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. In March 2021, Avianca will decrease their frequency and will operate on Fridays and Saturdays. Wingo confirmed their commitment today that they will continue to operate two weekly flights for the entire year 2021 but has yet to confirm if they will consider less frequencies for a temporary period, or not.

The closure of the border with Brazil, as expected, has influenced the frequencies of the Latin American carriers as these flights also carry passengers from the Brazilian market through their gateways in Colombia and Panama on to Aruba. The Aruba Tourism Authority is monitoring this closely and will be activating, wherever possible, efforts to strengthen the Latin America market. Aruba continues to be open for all markets except for Brazil, Venezuela and Peru at this time.


Actualisacion di Servicio Aereo for di Latino America:

Aerolineanan lo sigui opera for di Colombia y Panama 

Frecuencianan a wordo ahusta

ORANJESTAD – Manera anuncia dor di Gobierno di Aruba, e frontera cu Brazil a wordo sera desde Januari 25 ultimo dor cu Brazil ta un area di halto riesgo di Covid-19 actualmente. Como resultado, aerolineanan operando pa Aruba for di otro paisnan den Latino America a wordo afecta y a cuminsa wak demanda disminui. AUA Airport lo kier aclarea y informa cu sin embargo e servicio aereo ta keda existi desde Colombia y Panama.

Cierto aerolineanan desde e region di Latino America a dicidi pa temporalmente suspende cierto frecuencianan den e lunanan di Februari y Maart 2021. Copa, actualmente operando for di Panama City, Panama lo opera 1 buelo menos pa siman desde Februari 2021. Buelonan e ora ey lo ta riba Dialuna y Diasabra. Avianca, operando for di Bogota, Colombia lo sigui opera 3 buelo pa siman durante Februari 2021 riba Diaranson, Diabierna y Diasabra. Den Maart 2021, Avianca lo baha nan frecuencia y lo opera riba Diabierna y Diasabra. Wingo, tambe operando for di Bogota, Colombia, a confirma nan compromiso awe cu nan kier sigui opera 2 biaha pa siman pa ful anja 2021.

Seramento di e frontera cu Brazil, manera a wordo anticipa, a influencia e frecuencianan di e aerolineanan di Latino America como cu e buelonan aki ta transporta pasahero tambe for di e mercado Brazileño pa Aruba via nan puertonan di embarque den Colombia y Panama. Aruba Tourism Authority lo sigui monitorea esaki di serca y lo activa unda cu ta posibel, esfuerzonan pa fortalece e mercado di Latino America. Aruba su frontera ta habri pa tur mercado excepto for di Brazil, Venezuela y Peru na e momento aki.